Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Other Ways To Live Sustainably

After researching about what sustainable living was, we decided to find out about alternatives to the outdoor , natural way of sustainable living.
While searching using Google , we found a home builders' website called www.clarum.com that mentioned a house called the Enviro-Home : 'The Enviro-Home features products and systems that reduce energy consumption, encourage conservation, and use recycled or sustainable resources. Being part of the solution is of utmost importance to Clarum. Therefore, the Enviro-Home

features are standard features in every home built by Clarum Homes'.

Below is a picture of The Enviro-Home and a list of the features that make it environmentally friendly.

>Ceiling Fan Outlets
>Fluorescent Light Bulbs
>Increased Insulation
>Energy Efficient Windows
>Water Conserving Landscape
>Tankless Water Heater
>Environmentally Friendly Flooring
>Satellite linked Irrigation Controller
>Construction Materials Recycling
>Integrated pavers (optional item)
>Water Conserving Fixtures
>High-Efficiency Furnace and
Programmable Thermostat
>Engineered Wood
>Radiant Roof Barrier
>Sheathing Structured Plumbing
>Tightly Sealed Ducts
>Water Conserving Laundry Equipment
>Environmentally Friendly Paint
>Fiber Cement Siding
>Gray water system (optional item)
>Foam Wrapped Building Envelope
>Recycled Content Decking
>Fiberglass Doors
>Whole house vacuum (optional item)
>Solar Electric Home Power System

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